Thursday, March 14, 2013



Neil Gaiman is one of a select few modern-day writers in the fantasy
genre whose writings are not derivative of JRR Tolkien and do not
involve werewolves or vampires. A fellow Canadian Guy Gabriel Kay and
Ursula LeGuin of Earthsea fame are among the few I'd call his equals.
Neverwhere is a BBC Series he scripted.

Richard Mayhew stops in the streets of London to help a girl and
suddenly finds himself devoid of identity, largely invisible to his
former associates, without a job, or an apartment. Suddenly he finds
himself in Neverwhere a place where rat speakers take orders from Rats
and his former world and the rules he lived by no longer apply. With
Door as his guide they seek the Angel Islington and a key, but, as we
are reminded, the Devil was an angel as well. In their travels they meet
many more remarkable characters and places. Whether or not you buy his
wanting to return after he escapes is up to you.

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