Thursday, March 07, 2024


The Rangers

The Rangers

A WW#2 movie set in a German POW camp but shot in Italy.

What the archival footage of fighters attacking Lancasters and Kamikaze planes dive bombing battleships has to do with the plot I'm uncertain. The acting is plodding, amateurish. The costumes of the officers look fresh from the dry cleaners, never worn. The scene around the table with the generals looks like a rehearsal read through. Call it an OK time-waster.

The explosion, when it comes is rather unspectacular.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024


Man Down

Man Down

Shia LaBeouf

A movie from Amazon. The more companies behind a movie the longer the opening credits and the more logos you have to sit through.

This is a flavour of the week kind of movie and not a feel good flick. America pays an awful price for sending its young men to war. One is only young and imbued with immortality once in life and tours of duty in places life Afghanistan disabuse one of that feeling rather quickly.

Gabriel's best friend is killed in an ambush and in dealing with his effects learns that while on injury leave his friend had an adulterous relationship with his wife.

Placed on leave Gabe deals with that betrayal, the loss of his friend in more senses than one, and PTSD. There are no happy endings here.

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