Sunday, June 24, 2007
28 Days Later

Alex Garland seems to have an affinity for screen writing--all his books having become movies. The script of this movie was his and he has producer credits for its sequel. This is a disaster movie with all the clichés surrounding an epidemic in place. With the exception of Christopher Eccleston all of the actors are unknowns and none of them show up for its sequel. But then most of them get killed off in this movie. I have to wonder how they managed to shoot daylight shots of downtown London without any people unless they were digitally removed from stock shot with digital cameras. Driving up the "wrong" side of a deserted freeway still looks weird on this side of the pond. Chilling are the scenes with the infected soldier left with a chain around his neck to see how long it takes him to die of starvation as is Eccleston's frank admission that his motivation in attracting refugees to his safe-house was to provide sexual favours to his troops. The troops are suitably gung ho about shooting everything that moves. Not a movie intended to instill the warm cuddlies.