Friday, June 01, 2007

Many actors claim they never look at their own movies and given that they endured 20 to 30 takes for every scene of a 2 hour movie I guess I could understand why they’d never want to see it again. I can still wonder what Kevin Bacon would think of his role in this movie if he saw it today. Back in 1988 when Tremors was shot he was 30 and jeans were worn so tight they fit like a second skin—he can be seen adjusting them on several occasions. His partner in crime Fred Ward is thin as a rake as well; mind you Kevin is still fairly fit. I had good memories of seeing this movie at the time but on re-watching the cornball seems to come to the fore. It’s not quite bad enough to be called cheesy but it borders on it. Redneck, certainly; the gun collections some of these characters have borders on cliché. The creatures of the title appear to be borrowed from the book Dune by Frank Herbert; though these seem to emit fouler odours than cinnamon. Most telling is the fact that Kevin wasn't back six years later for Tremors 2.