Monday, July 02, 2007
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

It's been ten years since this series debuted on television and the actors look young, awkward, and their clothing styles dated. David Boreanaz may have captured the glamour and the spin-off series but for pure hunk factor and screen time my money is on Nicholas Brendon, stutter and all. I'd not known til just now that Xander was short for Alexander. For the sheer size of him the role he plays shows a remarkable lack of physicality but unlike Michael Landes in Lois & Clark who was replaced after season one because he out-hunked Dean Cain the star, Nicholas gets to hang around for the entire run. As the slayer's handler Anthony Head plays the unflappable tweedy English scholar to perfection.
This is a high-concept teenage angst kind of show played with a high school as backdrop. It takes considerable suspension of disbelief to follow this show as the body count rises and no one seems to be particularly disturbed by it.