Sunday, August 19, 2007
Daylight & Dante's Peak

Picked up a twofer DVD copy of these movies recently. Starring Sylvester Stallone and Pierce Brosnan; these are disaster movies, which both blow up real good. They share love interests for their stars whose lives are in peril. Neither star is listened to by those in charge of the situation and this results in many people dying. The first disaster is man-made, the second natural. Both stars put their own lives at risk to save others even though they have no responsibility to do so. Both end up in a confined space—a tunnel and a mine shaft from which they are rescued. Although Daylight is set in NYC the tunnel sequences were shot in Italy; Mount Saint Helen’s stood in for Dante’s Peak in Alaska. Both movies are heavy on special effects and chew up scores of motor vehicles. Neither will be on anyone’s list of all-time greats but as amiable time-wasters that give one an adrenalin rush they are passing fair.