Saturday, September 01, 2007

Take two handsome studs; add a souped up Chevy Impala; and a strong helping of X-Files or Twilight Zone—depending upon the decade in which you grew up—and you get Supernatural. Both 6’1” Jensen Ackles who plays Dean and 6’4” Jared Padalecki who plays Sam are twenty-something actors with a background in TV and in particular Smallville. Although both have an imposing presence on the small screen and have obviously been chosen for their sex appeal in this series they get to keep their clothes on. Of the two I must say that I prefer Jared as Jensen seems to project an arrogance and self-absorption I find unbecoming. The series has them tooling around the country investigating paranormal phenomena and urban legends. They finance their trek with fake credit cards, gambling, and pool winnings and abet their research by impersonating whatever officials whose credentials may get them access to off-limits sites.