Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

What can I say? It was on sale. Watching TV in Black and White on a High Definition Flat Screen is an anachronism to say the least. That the interactive menus were done in colour only serves to emphasize the point. When this series was shot CGI and Blue Screen technology wasn’t even dreamed of and the special effects here are almost laughable. I realize that sets had to be of a size to accommodate the cameras and lighting equipment of the time but the cavernous size of some of the decks that were supposedly inside a submarine built to descend to one mile depths stretches belief beyond the breaking point. What stands out most glaringly though, in a Sci Fi Series, is the technology that was considered cutting edge 40 years ago. Today it rates as antique. Placing all that glass, or any glass for that matter, in the outer hull of a submarine, and in particular in its bow, defies all the laws of physics.