Sunday, October 07, 2007
Mean Creek

Although this is a movie about middle and high school children it is not a movie for children. When Sam gets picked on by the school bully he and his older brother resolve to teach that bully a lesson. Together with a girl he likes, a friend, and his brother’s buddy played by Scott Mechlowicz they invite the bully to a river “party” during which they plan to teach him a lesson in humility. Along the way Sam gets cold feet when he discovers the insecure individual behind the bullying façade but finds himself powerless to stop the events that have been set in motion and end so tragically. This is at base a high school tragedy though we are lead to believe that Sam learns valuable lessons along the way. However Marty, the character played by Scott Mechlowicz compounds his guilt by stealing his older brother’s car and staging a robbery to finance his getaway resulting in another murder. Although well-acted and produced this is not a feel-good movie. Scott Mechlowicz who was 22 at the time this movie was shot plays a sixteen-year old.