Monday, May 19, 2008
The Englishman's Boy

Based on Guy Vanderhaeghe's book of the same name the author got the opportunity to actually write the screenplay and was given a bit part in the piece as well. The story is told in the present of 1920 in a movie studio backlot and in flashbacks to the Cypress Hills Massacre of 1873. Given the bad light in which the movie business is cast it fell to the venerable CBC to bankroll this production. The exterior shots were actually shot onsite in
This is not a Disney Production; in this series there are no good guys. The basic philosophy that underlies the historical events alluded to here is that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. As the central character of both periods Shorty McAdoo finds himself swept up into circumstances beyond his control on both accounts and ultimately finds himself facing the gallows in symbolic expiation for past sins. The theme here is one of moral individuals drawn into compromising situations by the will to make a living. Finger pointing is an exercise best exercised by those who bear witness from afar. Since the series has not been given sufficient exposure to be widely viewed there are no sites listing bloopers or historical and continuity gaffs. To me the cowboy scenes look authentic, actual cowboys playing the part of extras and the Native people filmed are in the main actual descendents of those involved in the original massacre. I would say the CBC has a winner on their hands here. The pity is that it will not be given wider exposure.