Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Batman: The Dark Knight

In the first place the official Title of this movie appears to be: The Dark Knight. Batman seems to have slipped into the Batcave. Since Wayne Manor was destroyed by fire in the last outing the mansion has not been rebuilt and Bruce is living in his penthouse suite in town. No word on how he makes the commute to the Batcave—I’m probably over-analyzing. Since the arrival of Christian Bale to the franchise Batman has been a severely conflicted superhero. The millionaire playboy enjoys his toys but like the creatures after which his alter-ego is named prefers to inhabit dark corners and stay out of the lime-light. This new movie blows up real good and has its share of chase scenes and special effects but while
Everything we’ve heard and read about Heath Ledger owning the picture is borne out by watching his performance here. The tribute given him is a mere blink on the screen shared with another during the closing credits which few will see. This Joker is deadly serious and doesn’t do much laughing and when he does it is a hollow pained eruption. The character has totally taken over the actor here and is unrecognizable as Heath. When, at one point in the movie he takes off a Joker Mask it is revealing that he still appears to be wearing a mask. In an industry where movie stars are a dime a dozen—even if the top ones command twenty million a flick—great actors are harder to come by. Few stars are able to sublimate their own egos to entirely inhabit a role; no matter what movie they star in you are always aware that it is Brad Pitt of Tom Cruise playing that character. Somehow they never let you forget it. To me the great character actors get less limelight because no one can remember who played that role when the show is over. Such a performance is on view here.
Other performances worthy of note are those of Michael Caine as the faithful manservant Alfred: “Do you have me followed too?” “I would if you ever left the job.” And Morgan Freeman as the CEO and gadget man. “Oops!” “Guess you should read the directions first before using.” During one notable board meeting the owner is prominently seen fast asleep slumped in his chair well down the table. As with most such movies in a couple days a second watching will reveal more details that slipped past me the first time but all in all this is a movie I will want to watch over and over.