Sunday, October 11, 2009
Supernatural Season 4

Now in its 5th season on air this show seems to have legs. I find it amusing that Dean refers to Sammy as his 'little brother' considering that Jared towers 3 inches above Jensen. The cinematographers do a remarkable job of minimizing that difference onscreen. Whether their sibling rivalries spill over into real life on set I have not been able to find any gossip to date online but in the Sex and Violence episode they get to have a knock em down, drag em out fist fight on screen. These two powerfully built young men could do real damage were they to go at it for real.
In an episode set in a school they once attended they go undercover as gym teacher and janitor. In flashbacks we get to see Jensen as a hormonal teen then as now fixated on groping cheerleaders. Even in a janitor's jumpsuit Jared's narrow hips and broad shoulders make an impressive showing but the middle school Sammy foreshadows the academic bookish man he is to become. Even though forced to level a bully twice his size he does so because he has no other option, not to show off his physical prowess. Even then he was the quiet, intellectual who felt no need to show off, but underneath that introverted nature he possessed the same confident skill and though not eager to brag about the notches on his gun in his own way has always had the same sexual needs leading Dean to crow when he discovers that Sammy has 'scored'. We get to see the extrovert Dean contrasted with the introvert Sam remains; expect it's clear which one I prefer.
How, in this age of modern communications, this duo manages to stay one step in front of the law as they impersonate FBI Agents, use fake ID and forged credit cards, and break into crime scenes and people's homes is still a mystery as is why they've never been pulled over for speeding. The show definitely ties into America's love affair with guns and other weapons of violence; the arsenal in the trunk of their car is awesome.
Since the first season the show has definitely picked up on the rapport between the two lead actors. It has become more of a buddy road trip during which surreal events take place; where the emphasis is put on how the experience affects these two individuals rather than strictly an investigation of supernatural occurrences.