Thursday, January 21, 2010
Kyle XY Season 3

As this series began we met Kyle a fully-formed teenage boy who escaped butt-naked from the facility in which he was cloned posssessing extreme native intelligence and abilities but totally lacking language or social skills. When his case worker takes him home we are exposed to his wide-eyed look at the world and the interactions he has with his peers, adults and the world at large. When one can jump from a 10-storey roof-top without any physical trauma one must adjust to the fact that seeing that feat performed might ellicit extreme reactions from others and draw unwanted attentions.
Growing up is hard to do both for child actors and their imaginary counterparts. Keeping the storyline interesting as an individual approaches adulthood is always a challenge. Given its longevity the scripters of Smallville seem to have discovered the formula but those of Kyle XY fell down on the job and the series ends with the present episodes. Watching these episodes unfold one comes to understand why the series was not renewed. Somehow one finds that they drag and one loses interest. Once ratings drop series get canned.