Monday, January 11, 2010
The Tudors 3

On the home screen of each disk in this new season Henry is seated on a throne formed of human bodies. Seems only appropriate as underlings were drawn to court and positions of power in his realm like moths to a flame and as easily disposed of by hanging, decapitation, and burning at the stake. Basking in Henry’s reflected glory was irresistible even though many paid the ultimate price for invoking the King’s displeasure even when their offence was the carrying out of the King’s direct orders. His retainers often could not win, to argue with a despot was madness, to obey and fail because of bad orders incurred equal wroth.
Mid-season Henry loses wife number three to childbirth and sets out on the prowl for number four. Henry is an odd mixture of inconsistancies. Erudite on virtually any subject of the day but superstitious and conservative. Dependent on his advisors and retainers to accomplish his will, yet able to truly trust no one. Defender of the faith while at the same time bedding every desirable court maiden in sight.
Human nature being what it is the factor I’ve ignored to this point is intrigue. Jealousies and backbiting are a way of life thinly disguised behind polite and diplomatic gestures. There are always those who feel they have been overlooked for an appointment or plumb assignment and ever there is jockeying for position. Ability and the commonweal take a backseat to personal advantage. The position of Thomas Cromwell is a special case in point. His appointment by Henry as High Chancellor of England put more than a few noble noses out of joint as those of Noble birth resented this high position being held by a commoner. Pointedly, when Henry locks himself into secluded mourning after the death of Jane Seymour the council walk out on a meeting called by Cromwell to deal with civil unrest putting their own egos above the good of the country. When the nobles finally manage to discredit Cromwell in the king’s eyes in a final indigity they manage to ensure an incompetent executioner butchers his demise.