Monday, April 25, 2011


Flashpoint Season 2

Flashpoint is a rare commodity, a Canadian production that has made it big in the US. What is even more amazing is the fact that it makes no apology for the fact that it is set in Downtown Toronto regularly showing off the city skyline. Toronto institutions such as Osgoode Hall, High Park, and Queens Park figure regularly. Renaming the iconic Maple Leaf Gardens however seems gratuitous, changing the name must have been part of the deal that allowed them to shoot inside.

The series has the usual black SUV’s, chase scenes and screaming sirens, the guns, high tech equipment and uniforms; however with one or two exceptions it does not have particularly sexy officers. Another uniquely Canadian aspect of the show is the fact that although all these officers are expert marksmen in all cases they attempt to talk their way out tense situations as a first resort rather than use weapons.

That a major character gets killed off in Season 2, and in particular one who was an ethnic minority would seem to signal a desire on the part of the actor to move on.

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