Sunday, October 14, 2012


NCIS Season 9

Now in its 10th Season this show has spawned several spin-offs and passed its 200th milstone, rare for most TV series. Those old enough to remember Mark Harmon and David McCallum from their sexy salad days will be bemused by their mature personas. Mark's jarhead haircut is somewhat incongruous but Duckie is a priceless creation. The show is episodic in nature though this season there are a couple two-episode story-lines and the season ending three episode mystery that remains unresolved. The season opener seemed flat but things picked up after that.

[Spoiler alert]

The season ender features a cliff-hanger to end all cliff-hangers in which Duckie is shown having a heart attack on the beach while a massive explosion occurs outside NCIS Headquarters in the Navy Yard.

Where Hollywood is concerned reality goes out the window. It does not seem reasonable that a 4-man team, sorry Ziva, would be assigned a single case at a time nor that they would solve every crime they were presented in the course of a one-hour show. Since Tony is assigned two boxes of cold cases to review the existence of unsolved crimes is acknowledged.

If Ducky is a consummate professional Abby is about as unconventional as it gets. Genius may have its perks but her outlandish costumes and behaviour make one wonder how she gets away with it and how her superiors protect her from Navy Brass. As the Mortuary Gnome, as branded by Tony, Jimmy gets a hunk-shot scene in which he shows off abs to die for. All our principal characters are shown in their humanity warts and all. Heroes are made, not born; and heroic acts are performed by ordinary beings who face extraordinary circumstances.

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