Sunday, June 11, 2017


Supernatural Season 11

The Boys are back in town, well Nebraska actually as the season starts. Same good ole boys, same muscle car, sinister evils, cheesy music, arsenal of weapons, working class wardrobe, tacky taste in food, brotherly banter, villains and good guys, essentially business as usual. Dean catches Sammy wetting his wick and congratulates him on finally losing his cherry. The rock 'em sock 'em slug fests make it hard to believe nothing gets broken or no one suffers severe concussions. I still wonder how they avoid speeding tickets.

The script writers managed to work the legend of Lizzie Borden into the storyline.


Is prayer a supernatural shopping list and do we expect God to use divine drones to deliver? Just how actively involved is god in the day to day operation of his universe or did he set the principles in motion and then sit back to let nature take its course. Is God removed from his creation or does he inhabit every part of it. Did he in fact have a hand in the big bang?

Is man god's greatest creation of his worst mistake? If Putin and Trump push their respective buttons releasing global Armageddon would God intervene? Given a crucifixion how effective has God's interference in human affairs been in the past?

Some might call it blasphemy but the TV Series Supernatural assumes that god abandoned Heaven and chaos ensued. Of course the show has angels, demons, the king of hell, and Lucifer in a cage. God is above concepts of good and evil, right and wrong. He does not have a soul. He puts in an appearance as Chuck who inhabits a night club while he writes his autobiography. His scribe criticizes his writing style but offends God when he calls him a coward. How an omnipotent being could experience cowardice begs the question.

The show does not have a monopoly on anthropomorphizing God, George Burns anyone? Man has long created god in his own imaged. Nor is evil personified a new concept. I may not believe in angels, ghosts, haunted houses, demon possession, but it fun to suspend disbelief and sit back and watch how the show confronts its issues. That the two main characters dress like hicks, guzzle beer, eat junk food, listen to crappy music while tooling around in a muscle car loaded with an arsenal is all part of the fun. How they avoid speeding tickets, get away with the arsenal, dig up graves, engage in brawls that rival ultimate battle royals, impersonate the FBI....

In the end the show is grounded by the love that exists between these two brothers. Amusing that Dean's little baby brother towers over him, and that Sammy is the nerd who specializes in high tech but we've seen hi with his shirt off though the show doesn't specialize in beefcake. And after 11 seasons Dean got to tease Sam about losing his virginity.

Spoiler Alert

In the end love conquers all though the idea that God could die.... The season ends with a cliff-hanger involving the brothers though I feel confident that the producers are not going to kill off either of their leads. But it does set us up for the plotlines for next season


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