Monday, December 04, 2017


Star Trek Beyond

The original Star Trek was a 3-year TV Series. These big budget extravaganzas cost hundreds of millions as evidenced by the 5 movie studio’s logos we have to sit through before the actual movie starts. Most of the action does not take place on the Enterprise the crew’s penchant for destroying trillion dollar vessels seeming to continue as does Scotty’s ability to get ancient relics back into space. Simon Pegg who plays Montgomery Scott had a hand in writing this one. Kirk, Bones and Spock are the essential trio and we learn of the death of Nimoy both in the script and in a memorial in the credits which also mention Anton on a first name basis only. The ability to survive space exploration does not extend to surviving old age or wonky earth technology.

As the saying goes it blows up real good and in the movies sound still manages to travel through space.

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